Chattahoochee Council, BSAResourcesFlight to EagleAlternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges Request Guide

Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges Request Guide

1. Before applying, a Scout must earn as many of the Eagle-required merit badges as possible. However, if a permanent disability clearly precludes completing specific merit badges, a Scout who has earned at least First Class may apply for an alternative merit badge without waiting until all other Eagle-required merit badges are complete.

a. Any alternatives must present the same challenge and learning level as those they replace. Unless the Scout has been approved for registration beyond the age of eligibility, all merit badges must be completed by the 18th birthday (reference Guide to Advancement, topic–

2. Obtain a clear and concise statement related to the nature of the disability from a qualified health-care professional.

3. A note from the Scout’s own qualified healthcare professional that proposed alternatives merit badges are suitable and pose no health risks.

4. The unit leader meets with the candidate and the candidate’s parent or guardian to determine the alternative merit badges to replace those the candidate is unable to complete.

5. The unit leader, parent or guardian, and the Scout (if possible) prepare supporting letters to accompany the application.

6. The district and council advancement committees, in turn, review the proposed alternative merit badges. They may choose to speak with the Scout, the Scout’s parent or guardian, or the unit leader. If the council advancement committee approves, then the candidate may start work on the merit badges.

a. Note: In approving the application, the district and council advancement committees must utilize the expertise of a health-care professional involved with youth who have disabilities.

7. Upon completion of the Eagle Scout rank requirements, using the alternative merit badges, the candidate appears before a board of review. This approved application must be attached to the Eagle Scout Rank Application.

8. Following a successful board of review, the council processes both applications and forwards them to the National Advancement Program Team. Local council action on alternative merit badges does not require national approval.


George and Jo Jeter Scout Service Center
1237 First Avenue
Columbus, GA 31901
Phone: 706-327-2634


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