Religious Program

Chattahoochee Council Religious Emblems Coordinator
Merri Bolen
Available to Members of the Boy Scouts of America
A Scout is reverent. He is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the
convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.
To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith,
religious groups have developed the following religious emblems programs. The Boy Scouts of America has approved
of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. The various religious groups
administer the programs. Check with your local council service center or contact the religious organization
directly to obtain the curriculum booklets.
For more information about Religious Emblems Programs …
Programs of Religious Activities with Youth 

Religious Recognition Program
The following programs are designed to help scouts pursue a deeper understanding of their faith with other scouts
and non-scouts through their church. Courses designed for grades 1 through 5 are typically completed in about three
months (Cub Scouts). The courses for the older scouts may take six – nine months (Boy Scouts).
Catholic Christian
Grade 1-2 Light of Christ
Grade 3-5 Parvuli Dei
Grade 6-12 Ad Altare Dei
Grade 9-12 Pope Pius XII
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)
Grade 4-5 Faith in God
Grade 6-12 On My Honor
Grades 3-8 Dharma
Grades 8-12 Kama
Grades 1-5 Bismillah
Grades 6-12 In the Name of God
Grade 1-2 Maccabee Award
Grade 3-5 Aleph Award
Grade 6-12 Ner Tamid Award
Grade 9-12 Etz Chaim Award
Orthodox Christian
Grades 1-3 St. George
Grades 4-5 Chi Rho
Grades 6-12 Alpha Omega
Protestant Christian (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian)
Grades 1-3 God and Me
Grades 4-5 God and Family
Grades 6-8 God and Church
Grades 9-12 God and Life